
Family portraits: Why, where and how often?

Some time ago, a family portrait was such a special thing, more precisely that photo session that we did from time to time, but obviously, very rarely. The photographer would take a few group pictures and you hoped that everyone would have their eyes open, you would get a few images printed on photo paper and that was about it. The only children were with you. There was no Facebook, no digital files, no email for all family members. Those pictures were so precious and were to be placed in a photo album or frame with the names and ages of each person in the picture carefully written on the back or the date the picture was taken.

Now that we live in the digital age, photos have lost their magic. Wherever we go, we always have a camera in our pocket or purse. It’s on hand 95% of the day. We take pictures of what we eat, our pets, or selfies of ourselves making funny faces when we’re bored. We snap pictures of friends when they’re not paying attention, we snap a recipe we want to save for later, or we snap a picture of a cute sweater we see in a store. We don’t think we need an official portrait of us or the kids because we have a million snaps of them on our cell phones.

But will an iPhone picture ever end up in a scrapbook that will be passed down from generation to generation? Does this image give you a warm feeling when you look at it? Even if you want to print it on paper, any size is not big enough to put on the wall, it will either be grainy or weirdly colored, probably because the lighting isn’t great and really, you admit it’s not the more successful family image.

The good thing is that we have the technology available and are able to produce beautiful family snapshots that are more beautiful than ever! A photographer can take several dozen photos of you and your loved ones in a 45-minute photo session, from which he will only choose the ones where everyone looks amazing and the lighting is perfect, and you can print as many as you want. Sounds ideal, right?

Some families are passionate about this type of photography. Mom takes the whole gang to a studio every six months or maybe every year for Christmas cards. These families usually have a wall full of pictures at home dedicated only to family photos from year to year. Every special occasion becomes another chance for a group photo.

When I talk to some people about family photo sessions, I usually hear (usually chuckle): “We haven’t taken family photos since Irinuca was born!” That child is now twelve years old and no longer a child, but there is no official, high-quality picture of the entire family. As a photographer, I tell you, it’s so sad for me!

I still look at the old albums to this day, those albums with black and white photos glued to the album pages. Or sometimes I get nostalgic looking at our wedding pictures that are framed on the wall. Without realizing it, I am transported back to a time of happy memories that make me smile. I’m not a parent, but I hear parents tell me all the time that their little ones grow up too fast. Think again, isn’t it worth it to have those beautiful memories captured artistically?

Ok, now that you’re convinced you need some family photos… where do you go? Are you going to a studio or someone who shoots outdoors? I personally always recommend outdoors! Today’s artistic flair is rapidly moving away from rigid and formal decor. The positions of those in the images will always be forced, as will their smiles. At least to my eye, studio shots (almost) always look forced! More than that, I want family photos to tell a story. A story of our favorite place, for example, or the things we like to do, the way we interact with each other. It’s hard to tell a story with a simple background and a forced pose!

If you choose an outdoor setting for your family photos, the whole world opens up for you! Does your living room need a splash of color? You can take family portraits in a field of wildflowers! Does your family love the beach? Book a local photographer when you’re on your next beach vacation. Is your home decor full of earthy tones? Take family portraits in a wooded or grassy area. Do what suits you! Bring props that mean something to you – if dad and the kids love soccer, bring a soccer ball and play soccer! Behave naturally, you’re out in nature with your family and you’re playing because that’s how things happen naturally, naturally. If your family likes to ice skate together, do a family photo shoot when it’s snowing outside and be sure to bring your skates.

Especially with young children, we have found that outdoor settings are usually much more comfortable for them and they tend to be in a better mood. For the photo sessions, I spent most of my time watching them as they played together, ran around a forest path and had a blast! They completely forgot I was there, it was just them! You can’t force a smile from a one, two or three year old. Those laughs have to be genuine, and what better place to capture genuine laughter from a child than in a place where they can have fun?

I leave you with a few more instructions:

  1. I would recommend doing a family photo shoot at least once every 5 years, more often when the kids are young. Lots of photographers (myself included!) have “mini sessions” in the spring, fall and around Christmas. Give yourself 20 minutes from your busy schedule and at the end you will be left with at least 50 gorgeous images for less than 100eur. That’s a lot less than you’ll spend at a studio!
  2. Hire a photographer you know will do a good job. You spend a little more from the family budget, but you are convinced that the end result will be one to measure and you will be left with the memories you love.
  3. Location, location, location! Choose an outdoor spot that both you and your family like. If you have no ideas, ask the photographer! He will definitely have some suggestions for you.
  4. This is a bonus: Canvas prints are one of my favorite ways to print images, and they can be affordable if you catch a deal on one of the millions of photo printing websites out there, or why not, even from the photographer. Request an offer.
  5. If you are interested in booking a family or couple session, it’s my pleasure! You can schedule the session for spring, mother’s day is coming.

Contact me for more information!

That’s about it for today’s article, thanks for “reading” me. See you soon!

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